Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Another tooth!!!

Lil Bit gave us another tooth today!  I went to do my daily check, and there was one that was REALLY wiggly, so we took care of it.... she seemed MUCH relieved afterward and stopped chewing on everything in sight.

In a few days, when we go grocery shopping and whatnot, I'm gonna see if i can find a rubber bone or something for her.    She adores bones, but the only good ones for her are the ones that other dogs have cleared all the meat and marrow off of and is just... well... BONE.  Good luck finding THEM around LOL.

Well, i better go work on getting her lunch... its almost yumyum time!

Whatta Week!

Well, my original goal of blogging every day we have her failed - for now LOL.

Its been a little over a week since I last blogged - and that was about her losing a tooth!

We've had her the entire time so far, and not sure when or if T-Mama will be requesting her back.  I do know T-Mama cannot manage to let go entirely, and honestly, I know why... Lil Bit is one of those that EVERYONE wants to loves on, and be loved by.  to her, YOU are her entire world, and you know deep inside, it won't change.

Piddle on the carpet aside, I'm thinking another "symptom" of a portosystemic shunt IS the incredible capacity for love and laughter that these amazing animals who live with this condition seem to demonstrate.

I haven't done research, or found any study on it - but from what I was reading online... every single person who posted about their dog or cat with PSS said they were very loving, and never failed to give them joy.  You tell me?  So - in MY opinion, humans who are raising such a special-needs baby are BLESSED.

With her disorientation and poor eyesight, the fact that we live in a small space is also good for her.  She also has a friend in Midnight - although right now I think they are a bit irritated with each other.

Anyways, we've managed, I think, finally to find a diet that is working.
1 can of chicken broth, a bag of boil-in rice
cook it

then, each feeding (3x a day), 3/4 cup of rice, 1/3 can (small can) of mighty dog, and 3 squirts of kitten vitamin & mineral spray.  She also gets 1 flintstone vitamin each morning =D

I've now had 3 days of solid poopsies, and she's finding her piddle pads more often now =D
She had beef broth yesterday, and the 2 extra grams of protein through the day were too much, so it was back to chicken broth today.

She's such a sweet baby... i love how when you pick her up and hold her close, she'll twist her head around and literally hug you back.

Happy new year from both Lil Bit and I,
and puppy kisses from Lil Bit....
Lil Bit & Meli-Mommy

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Baby Teeth; she's growin' up, folks!

Well, yesterday I couldn't figure out what was "off" with Lil Bit.  We snuggled a lot on the couch (I was waiting for an abysmally long render to finish - for more on what I do, visit:  ), we played games on the floor, we played mock-wrestle with the kitty.... yet, she still looked sad, and lost.  She also wasn't eatting like usual - even with her unusual dog dish considered.  (it's out of molded plastic, and looks like three inverted knobs on the bottom sized and shaped like upside down shot glasses; it forces her to slow down when eatting).  Lunch took her two HOURS to complete - dinner, took 3.

Meanwhile, something else was developing, and it rather alarmed me.  I even mildly fussed at her, asking her how many dust bunnies did one puppy have to eat in a day anyway?  I really thought, the way she was acting, that she had something like a popcorn husk caught in her throat.  You know that horrible feeling, when you cant get it to GO.

So, I checked her.  Checked her about 5 times before bed, each time she went nuts and started digging at her face, or clacking her teeth together, or doing that strange sucking and wiggling of the tongue movements... all told me she had SOMETHING going on, and I was being too blind, or SOMETHING.

Finally, fell asleep.... and was woken numerous times to the SAME THING.... nothing calmed her until i stuck my hand in her mouth and messed, trying to figure out if it was a fuzzball or WHAT.  She never BIT me or even snapped directly at me, but that was one concern, as she WAS snapping and getting more irritated at whatever was going on with her mouth.... so I was cautious.

Finally, morning came - and she actually let me SLEEP IN!  (well, for me...) - an hour and a half!  We got up, and she's been such a lovey... not ONCE since she's been here has she failed to poo on her potty pads.  Piddles on the other hand... well, she's a lot better with those, too.

Anyways, not a half hour into being awake... she's doing that thing again.  I had enough and grabbed the flashlight, and then spent 5 minutes struggling with her to look inside her mouth.  It wasn't the flashlight that revealed the issue, however... but a brainstorm.  I was looking for something that shouldn't have been there... instead, I should have been looking for what WAS supposed to be there, but was no longer needed.  Sure enough, found it - a loose molar!  Took me another few minutes to get a good hold on it - she was NOT liking it one bit, until I yanked.  She didn't even YELP, and she was so good, she didn't snap down on my hand (i expected it).  She just gave me a startled look, ran her tongue over the spot and i SWEAR - she grinned at me.  She sure did jump up on my chest and wrap her legs around my shoulders and gave me a huge hug.

I fed her breakfast then (to help get the icky blood taste outta mouth... didn't know if it bothered her, but it always made me queasy - yet i love a good rare steak LOL).  And she was back to eatting quickly, digging to the bottom of her special bowl in under 10 minutes..... I've discovered she loves it if I sprinkle the wee bit of kibble on the bottom of the bowl, add in one of her treats somewhere, and then dump slightly warmed rice-mash on top, so she has to hunt to find the crunchy parts =D

Problem solved, and I have been gifted with a precious memento of her puppy-hood... a molar.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Welcome back, Lil Bit!!!!

We sure missed you!

T-Mama called today and asked if we'd take the baby for the weekend; she's a bit stressed right now.  See, she adopted to baby kittens this week, and it seems Lil Bit has yet to figure out how to moderate her play so she's not so rough.... so she gets a weekend apart, where she can play as rough and tumble as she likes with Midnight-kitty. =D

This also gives T-Mama a chance to really get to know her new babies without a jealous older one getting in the way... LOL.

Lil Bit is curled up on the couch right now, with her fuzzy pink blanket... she's terribly cute.  She's grown a lot and is in that awkward looking stage *grins*

I found out she's 3 months old, almost 4 now...

She's soooo precious, i loves her to pieces!

Hugs and puppy kisses,
Lil-Bit & Meli-Mommy

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

see you again soon, Lil Bit!!! =(

Well, yesterday morning, Lil Bit went back to her T-Mama.... she still hates car rides, and this time she got to sit on Daddy's lap the whole way.  It ended up being early, because I had to take hubby to ER - he ended up contracting a nasty virus and we are barely able to keep his fever below 105.  I miss lil bit... she's soooo wonderful to curl up with and snuggle with when you dont feel so good.... not to mention she makes us laugh - a LOT.

just her happy run can set us to giggles, cus she'll twist her head to one side as she runs, and KEEP twisting it until all of a sudden, her body tries to follow and she rolls over, looks startled at what happened, then gets up and does it again!

Chasing her tail is WAY hilarious... cus when she CATCHES it... she bites down hard and then wonders why her tail hurts!

Midnight kitty also gets depressed when she's gone... misses her baby girl.

But anyways, I have to look at this as a chance to finish my Final, to take care of hubby, and get other things done as well while i have no adorable puppy underfoot, staring up at me with big brown eyes, wanting a treat.

Not sure yet when I get her again... depends on the weather, I think, as Lil Bit's L-Daddy has mushing races to attend - and it requires SNOW.  We've had some really whacked out weather lately... what snow we had is melting!  The wind has scoured the hills almost completely clean.  It should be averaging around -20 now... the past week, its been around 20 to 30... ABOVE.

Lil Bit loved it.... she didnt have too many problems running around outside.  Its when it hits 0 that she doesn't like it outside, and we have to bundle her up carefully.

i still miss her....

Monday, December 7, 2009

Gots da Mouse, Mommy!

well, I had a rough day yesterday - my muse went into a coma and refused to do anything.  It was just one of those days, y'know?  Anyways, she did ok yesterday... lots of play and laughter =D

She found one of Midnights catnip-stuffed mice.  I had to watch her closely with this, and ultimately had to take it away, as it was just the right size to try to swallow whole.... and the perfect shape to make the baby think it was edible.  After numerous hours of fun with it, she did finally get it in just the right position in her mouth and was doing the whole snake-swallowing-prey action.  I grabbed the tail and held on for dear life!  After about 20 seconds of struggle and me forcing her mouth open, i finally retrieved the toy.  Again, this is EXACTLY why she was closely monitored, cus the whole thing took less than 45 seconds.... and I knew that if my attention wandered, I could miss it and she could choke. I prefer to err on the side of caution - and at times like this, it pays off.   The mouse is sitting on my desk now.  Lil Bit gave me that look of "hey, mommy... I killed it fair and square!  give it back!"

She had a lot of fun with it, though LOL.  I think I'll look for a larger version of them for her - something I know she can't easily swallow.  She's not getting that bone back, that's for sure - her poor tummy just rejected it, rather grossly might I add.  bleh.

I laughed so hard watching her play with that mouse.  Midnight was so offended that the dog had her toy - but she never plays with her toys!  She was just being stingy and didn't want to share.  I made her anyway. =D

Anyway... it created quite a problem between the two.  Midnight was suddenly wanting to play with her toy, and the puppy had it... and was NOT letting it go.  Sure enough, a skirmish quickly ensued.  Midnight barely held back her punches - and I had to call her on it a few times.  Fighting is to be kept fair and clean.  Ultimately, Lil Bit ended up the victor... having discovered that if she grabs Midnight on the back of the neck in a certain spot, she goes limp.... and can be drug around like fresh kill, much to Midnight's intense displeasure.  She was glaring like no tomorrow.  The skirmishes continued off and on for over an hour... and each time, ended in Midnight being drug across the floor.  So yes, Lil Bit is the ultimate victor!

Go Lil Bit!  LOL

Watching their skirmishes, you wouldn't believe they're friends.  There's times I wonder, until I see how gentle Midnight is with Lil Bit when she's sleeping... jumping up on the couch to be beside her, gently grooming her head and ears, and then curling up beside her for a little nap.  There's no doubt that Lil Bit loves Midnight... her tail never stops wagging happily when she's playing with her kittykitty.  She whimpers and cries until Midnight climbs up on the bed at night - and sometimes, THAT takes an engraved invitation.

Right now, Midnight is a little lost... her puppy went for a walk with Daddy.  He threw his back out this past week, and is trying to stretch it out a little, hobbling along with his cane (he is disabled as well, has cerebral palsy).  As its fairly warm out today, he decided to take her along and let her get some fresh air and a change of scenery.  Unlike our other baby - Rajiah-puppy (she's currently off learning how to be a sled dog), she can't easily pull him off balance.

Ultimately, Rajiah and Lil Bit are cousins of some type or other.  They both came from the same kennels - both are sled dogs - huskies, actually.  Not the Siberian type most think of, but the short-haired to moderately fluffy kind LOL.  Rajiah has the beautiful ice blue eyes and the pale golden coat... Lil Bit here, as you can see - is a beautiful brown-eyed brindle-coated baby girl.  Both are highly intelligent... Lil Bit's learning problems stem from her disability rather than lack of intelligence.

Rajiah is a year & a half old, and came from a surprise litter.  She was, like Lil Bit, the runt, and bow-legged to boot.  She was smaller than her siblings, and she wasn't very wide in the chest, so she ended up slated to be sold or given away.  She was given to my fiance (hubby) because he was wanting a dog really really bad.... she quickly grew on me - a bona-fide cat person.

But, we don't have a lot of space... and no yard to speak of.  Her living space is usually a pen in the back area.  Not a bad space for a darling girl, actually... she has a wonderful igloo-style doghouse, too.  But, late last winter, we watched her... she was soooo full of energy.... all she wanted to do was RUN.

We sent her to our friend to get checked out - the same friend who had initially rejected her for a team.  I was simply hoping that she would be enough to pull me in a one-person, one-dog sleigh, and could be trained for such.  Which would mean, ultimately, I need training as well!

Anyways... he hooked her up, and once she understood she was allowed to run... he had a hard time getting her to stop!  He was impressed, but was concerned that if he took her, he wouldn't want to give her back.

Basically, now she's training like one of his own dogs... she is still ours, but she goes to him during the on season for training and races - so she can BE the dog she was meant to be.  She's happy as a lark, and just doesn't wanna stop running LOL.  We get her summers, and when she retires as a sled dog, she'll be our baby girl permanently again.

She did have a tragedy in November... she lost her puppies, still born... they were born 2 weeks early.  But the whole pregnancy was one big complication, as she never showed until a few days before she actually gave birth... actually, the way they found out was her waddling when she ran!

Anyways... she's fully recovered now, and back to doing what she loves to do.  We're hoping she can try again for a litter in spring, and then we'll get her fixed.

Oh well, this isn't letting me get work finished.

Hugs and kisses from Lil Bit,
and thanks for reading our blog!
Lil Bit and Meli-Mommy

Saturday, December 5, 2009

YumYum Dinner

After a fairly uneventful afternoon - two battles between feline and canine, a sleeping hubby, work on my e-zine, prodding my muse in an attempt to focus on my final... cooling the bone, scrapping as much off as i could... removing the cartilage at the ends... and she loves the heck outta it.  AND - its not causing her harm!  Or at least, not that I can see in her behavior.  She got her yumyum dinner, as well.  Rice cooked in chicken broth, corn, nutrient pack, about a 1/4 ounce of chicken, some canola oil, and a splash of the chicken broth on top to get it moist.

Once again - it was like she just discovered the yummiest food on the planet.

She's happily chewing on her bone once more, curled up on the floor.  She's already decimated it... it no longer resembles what hubby brought home just yesterday.

THREE CHEERS!  we have success... she had a solid poopsie! =D

meli-mommy is sooo proud of her!

=D yay!


Well, I just made her her lunch.  She was roaming the floor looking for stray yumyums and ended up eatting a couple fluffy dust bunnies that strayed out from under the couch.  So yeah, its a little early, but not terribly so.

She got the same recipe as this morning, but I added in 2 tablespoons of Canola oil.  Once again, she's chowing down like there's no tomorrow.

I may use the broth from the bone that's boiling to make some rice for her later.  See how she likes it. if she does, then I'll freeze the broth in 2 cup amounts to make rice with when she's here... after straining out any meat, of course. There's so much liquid in the pot, I know the broth itself will be weak at best.

Boiling Bones...

I find it ironic that I am waiting for a bone to boil to give it to a dog.  And not a bone that was purchased in the meat department, either - a bone marketed specifically for dogs.  While she enjoys the heck out of it, she was receiving WAY too much protein.  I have to rid the bone of the meat, and hope that helps the problem.

Otherwise, I will have to find another way of getting her her chew bone without harming her overall. =D

Ok, that smells good.  LOL.  No wonder she growled when we tried to remove it!

She's curled up on the couch right now, missing her Paul-Daddy.  She loves him to pieces!  She loves me as well, but he is her play-buddy.  I am mommy when she's here... comforting, fun sometimes, but not as much fun as he is! LOL

watching them play together is great... and when Midnight-kitty joins in, its even better!

she's so precious....


Well, she had two more poosies last night, neither of them solid.  She even jumped off the bed to go at one point.  Poor baby.  She had another when she woke up this morning.

She had a grape Flintstones today =D

She's crying right now cus her Daddy-Paul has left for a little while, and her little heart is breaking.
Oh I wish you could watch her and Midnight-kitty playing... its hilarious.  There's rarely a dull moment in this house with the two of them around!

1 cup plain boiled rice
30 kernels corn
1/2 ounce plain roasted chicken, thigh meat, no skin
1 rounded tablespoon nutrient pack
1/8 cup warmed chicken broth

She ate this like it was going out of style!

Friday, December 4, 2009


Well, when I got Lil Bit this time, and she ran in the house, greeted the cat, made herself right at home... she also had the runs.  Not good.  Twice more before sleep, and once again at 4am.  Knowing her like I do now, and having learned what I have so far about her problem, I realized - yet again, she has had too much protein.

You see, the protein builds up in her system and becomes toxic because her liver can't process it fast enough.  Its this that will eventually be her downfall - and the assorted complications - and it is this we fight hard to monitor and keep below levels that will cause her serious harm.  Yet, she NEEDS the protein.  Thus, its a never-ending battle.  T-Mama, her first mother - the one who saved her and bottle fed her and discovered she had problems... had changed her diet again in an attempt to get her to eat.  It worked.... yet I saw a drastic decline in her in just 4 days.  So, I am trying out new recipes for her, in an attempt to get her to want to eat - but keep her protein levels within reasonable levels.  I am personally not comfortable with adding in any kind of commercial dog food into the mix, and especially not the excellent kind T-Mama has around the house, due to her husband's occupation of musher.  It is designed for athletic dogs... and has a minimum of 32% protein.  When she's doing well, a few little kibble bites shouldn't hurt, but I had to completely cut her off of it today.  I was rewarded with a mostly solid poopsie early this afternoon.

However, by this evening, we were back to the other kind of poopsie.  fiance (i also refer to him as hubby, and other times by his given name - Paul LOL)... anyways, he had bought Lil Bit a bone, cus she just loooooooves bones.  He didnt realize it, but it had some meat still attached.  So... yep, you guessed it, she had some extra protein.  Soon as we got it away ( wow, miss lovey becomes miss grouchy about her bones!), we noticed the effects - circling, stumbling, falling over.  It only lasted about 10 minutes, then she was fine.

She got the bone again for a little while later, after i got as much of the meat off as possible.  Boy was the CAT happy.  Same problem for Lil Bit, but it didnt last as long.

Then, I decided to make dinner for her....

1 cup white rice
1/8 cup corn
1/16 cup green beans, mashed
4 canned shitake mushroom slices, diced
1/16 cup chicken broth
1 rounded tablespoon nutrient pack
2 tablespoons olive oil
dash garlic
pinch ground sage

mixed rice with nutrient pack, added in warmed chicken broth, garlic & sage. blending between each, i  added beans, corn, shrooms, and topped it off with olive oil.  The mushrooms would have added 3 grams of protein if I had used a full serving.  This is a recipe I would consider for readjusting her back to health quickly. 

She seemed confused at it at first, and ate on it, but not very enthusiastically.  Gonna adjust herbs as well to see which work better with her and whatnot, and hopefully we can come up with some standard recipes for her - some for when she needs her protein reduced quickly, and some for hopefully maintaining balance.  Hmmm, maybe she is one of those dogs who doesn't like garlic? =D

Tomorrow, I intend on cooking a fresh zucchini in with the rice, mashing it up cleverly.  i've already discovered she'll spit them out if she finds them =D

So far, we have found she doesn't like green peas, and zucchini if she can find it in there.  She also doesn't like potato skins, but the insides are fine, specially with a little milk and a wee dollop of butter.  Dont think she likes green beans much, either - which is why i mash them up LOL.

I imagine okra would get a similar reaction as the zucchini - that look of "just WHAT is THIS, mom???"  LOL.

she also seems to prefer her rice boiled in the broth, instead of broth added later - will have to do this next batch I cook.  You see, I cook up a cup or so at a time, giving me two to three cups to work with for a day.... it makes things simpler.

Anyways, no real stories today, other than how sweet it is to sleep with a puppy beside you, and how wonderful puppy hugs and kisses can be!  I hope this blog will be informative, enlightening, entertaining, and touches you in some way.

Kisses from Lil Bit, and welcome to our blog,
Lil Bit & Meli-Mommy